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Ronald Danks
Jul 06, 2024
In Spiritual Experiences
Five years ago I was lying in bed, but couldn't sleep due to pain so I was on my side looking at the dark wall nearest to the door. After a few minutes a small ring appeared which was approximately eight inches in diameter. The ring was a beautiful shade of blue. In my mind I knew I was about to be taken on a journey.
Immediately I was 'flying' through the air and I was aware of a 'light being/ angel' on my left. We arrived at a dark forbidding landscape, and as I looked down I could see a valley with cliffs on either side. As we flew we descended enough so that I could see the people people below.
Some of the people were wandering aimlessly, some shouting and screaming, others on their knees. Overall, I felt the air thick with despondency and despair, and I felt somewhat overcome with emotion as to their hopeless situation. I kept saying 'love and light' to those below and I asked the being beside me if I could stop and help. The answer I received was 'you will not see this place again'.
It was difficult to determine whether the voice was male or female as it was spoken in a straightforward manner, but with such conviction that it wouldn't brook any meaningful response by me. We continued flying for miles before ascending as we came to the end of the enclosed valley. Next, I was aware that I was back in my bed but lying on my back.
Once again, I became aware of the pain in my left knee which is titanium. I then heard the same voice saying 'do you believe?'. I said 'believe in what?'. The voice repeated 'do you believe?' and I answered yes. I then felt invisible hands touching and massaging my painful knee. This lasted for at least a minute and once it stopped the pain was gone.
I laid still and trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to analyze and make sense of what had just occurred and then fell asleep.
Ronald Danks
Jul 02, 2024
In General Discussion
In this brief sojourn on Earth we are infinitely precious.
It's a very brief stay in a very great plan.
The trials of our existence is the price we pay for understanding and wisdom.
Go forward with faith and purpose.
Don't devalue your life and undermine yourself as all souls are pure.
Don't compare yourself with others as we are all eternal souls loved by God.
Know your finiteness and physical aspects as they determine who and what you can be.
Always be aware of the false and counterfeit nature of deception because temptation wears a cloak.
There are those whose actions are antithetical to goodness, stay on the narrow path.
Your true self is timeless and formless.
Awareness is energy.
One's ties to source cannot be broken.
Go within and know the immense energy field that surrounds all and the immanence of spirit.
Let your heart be your guiding force.
We are individual expressions of ALL THAT IS.
Ronald Danks
Jun 19, 2024
In Spiritual Experiences
As I have previously stated on here, I feel God's touch on my shoulder after I say prayers each evening. On Monday just before midnight I went into my bedroom and after saying a few prayers I stood up, and for the past 4 months I have been telling God that I owe Him a huge hug for this life and the abundance I have. Also, I keep saying that I would like a hug whilst I am on this Earth and not after I have passed.
After prayers I stood with my arms bent and parallel to the floor. After only a few moments I felt His gentle touches on my left shoulder, and this continued for approximately 10 minutes. I thanked Him for His love and understanding and making me feel blessed. During this time I felt felt His love gently encompass me and my vibration increased accordingly. Once again, I said I wanted to give Him a hug and this time I connected my hands and pulled them towards me resembling a hug. Immediately I gasped as I felt His love hit me and I was filled with such a blissful loving sensation.
Being a greedy person and wanting more, I repeated the action 4 more times , and each time I was hit with the same amazing sensations. Sometimes words are not enough. Afterwards I took a few deep breaths and I felt my vibration increase again and wondered if this was the result of some residual energy.
Sometimes I wonder if the energy could be captured before, during and after as in Kirlian photography.
Ronald Danks
May 27, 2024
In Spiritual Experiences
My wife and daughter are far more aware of the subtleties of spiritual occurrences than I ever will be. They are the first to say 'someone's here' and 'it's so and so', or to say ' that's a nice smell, I wonder who that is?'. Regarding this, I sometimes have the acuity of a house brick. Sometimes we all smell a particular scent simultaneously, often, the scent is perceived by only one of us.
I was alone in the living room watching the film Fairy Tale: A True Story, my wife and daughter were in the bedroom looking on the desktop computer. After approximately 10 minutes, an overwhelming scent filled the living room and I shouted 'stop spraying perfume it's making me gag'. The smell lasted for another 10 minutes, and after the film had finished I went upstairs and said 'thanks for spraying perfume it was making me sick'.
They said that they never touched any perfume and they wouldn't waste it by spraying it everywhere. I told them about the smell downstairs and they said that I must have had visitors. As the hairs on the back of my neck stood out they both started laughing. I imagined that they weren't the only ones laughing.
Ronald Danks
May 11, 2024
In Spiritual Experiences
One evening, my daughter whom I shall only refer to as C, was in her bedroom suffering from intense neuropathic pain as, once again the medication wasn't working as intended. I went in to see her once I'd heard the painful noises she was making. It was difficult to even touch her due to her hyper-sensitivity and a simple touch caused further pain.
On an impulse I asked C if she would mind If I tried to help her in a different way and try to ease her pain. I managed to get her to sit up and I held my hands out on either side of her and this was approximately eight inches away and aligned with her chest and upper back.
I asked God and anyone who could help to give me aid to take C's pain away. In a very short time my arms and hands started to tingle and I felt an invisible force of energy emanate from my hands. I began to feel a high vibrational sensation throughout my body. I concentrated on removing her pain. She told me that she felt 'tingly' and that my hands were 'nice and warm' when I was rubbing her back. I replied that I hadn't touched her as I knew how sensitive to touch she was. After approximately ten minutes her pain began to dissipate and she appeared more visibly relaxed.
Afterwards we were talking about what had happened. I said that I just had an instant notion to try and help her in that particular way. I have used this method on C on a number of occasions and in the majority of times it has been been successful. C has described sensations such as warmth, tingling, rubbing, gentle massaging and feeling suddenly tired. I have also used this method to reduce C's rapid heartbeat to correspond to mine in a matter of minutes.
On another occasion C was in excruciating pain and I rushed into her bedroom and again I held my hands out either side of her. I said in a loud voice "I need some help now". Instantly an intense energy surged down my arms and through my fingers and into C. The energy became intermittent but, I knew when it was going to increase each time until C recovered.
Once again the experience was amazing and I felt marvellous at actually being able to help C in this manner, as, in the majority of occasions, I have been a bystander unable to do anything to relieve C's suffering. Once again, we discussed what had occurred. She stated that it was me that did it all and I said that I believed that I was only the conduit for the energy to flow through and, I directed it to where I thought it was needed.
Some questions that were raised afterwards are listed below.
Q1. Are we aways being watched and if we are, are the 'higher beings, higher powers' always ready to help us instantly?
Q2. Where does this energy originate from?
Q3. Who, if anyone, controls this energy?
Q4. Is there a way to harness and store this energy internally until needed and is it always available?
Q5. C mentioned massaging and rubbing. Does this mean that 'invisible beings' are in attendance and giving help, or is it an aspect of 'intelligent energy'?
Q6. If the energy is controlled once it left my hands, how is it controlled, by whom so that it's best potential can be achieved. Is it an intrinsic part of the Creator?
Ronald Danks
May 04, 2024
In General Discussion
Spirituality by it's definition can be a very subjective and emotive path for followers. As we all look for answers to give a greater meaning to life and the inherent inner power we each have, we change our perspective and adjust our actions to conform with the newly acquired knowledge. Some know that there is within, infinite worlds that can be accessed by various spiritual practices. Although these worlds are unseen, they can be felt physically and help to raise ones vibration and give impetus to the seeker. Spirituality and its consciousness has the ability to affect the whole population because love powers the universe.
Remember that heart is the power behind ones individual journey. The heart's energy is extremely important, abundant and has the ability to change and create so much. Allied to this is the immense power of the Holy Spirit which is infused in everyone. These powerful energies are the unifying force across all spectrums of frequencies which allow us to change and raise vibration, and hopefully, experience a new reality and the accompanying bliss. This small step which can connect to the higher vibrations will slowly infuse its way into mankind's consciousness and can never be removed.
As the universe always seeks balance, the new vibrational energies will continue to make connections among mankind. Eventually the Earth's vibration and frequency will will increase synchronously with mankind's higher consciousness and therefore be a step closer to the Creator. The old paradigm of living in dense 3D energy will cease as the physical self will be filled with light due to the increase in ones vibration and frequency. Eventually our world will begin to take on a newer form as the foundation for this has started to be laid in earnest.
It is incumbent on all to help with this by ignoring the belligerent offerings of the media, the scandalous and very often false news as it is intended to affect the emotive response by selling fear. Please, always be aware of reacting to these negatively because the purveyors of the news know that emotions are very powerful.. Fear is merely the absence of love, so live life as best as possible and as much as personal circumstances allow, knowing that there will always be more goodness in the world that not.
So please, continue smiling through life knowing that love is the greatest gift in existence and it can never be overcome as it is the most cherished gift. Let the essence of self shine as life is experienced. Love yourself first and foremost and know that we are all unique individuals who are loved beyond measure. Be love and enjoy this ephemeral dance of life.
Ronald Danks
Apr 21, 2024
In Spiritual Experiences
I am not religious and don't attend church on a regular basis, however, for the past 56 years I have been looking for answers to questions that are difficult to formulate, especially as my mother died when I was a kid. On the subject of spirituality and it's associated subjects I have read at least 1500 books over the decades and, thus far, I have experienced some absolutely amazing personal events.
I wish to stress that I am no one special, I don't have a halo or glow in the dark, I am like everyone else.
Regarding God and my association with Him, I can say that a veil has been lifted finally. I go to a dark room and say the Lord's Prayer and the Prayer For Divine Love (written by Jesus) and give thanks for my life, family, house, car, food, dog etc. I talk to God as I would talk to anyone during the day ie, ' thanks for the dry weather God as I need these clothes drying, thanks for your help with the gardening and easing my painful damaged spine', mostly mundane stuff.
After saying prayers I stand in silence and very shortly after my physical vibration will increase and I will be filled with the most loving, blissful and peaceful feeling which is totally encompassing. I never want it to stop but, it lasts for about 20 seconds on average. After losing my dog after 14 years and after saying prayers, I asked God to feel His Divine Love, immediately and I do mean immediately, I was overwhelmed as my vibration went through the roof and the inner feeling of love and peace was beautiful. After about 10 seconds I felt a firm hand grip my left shoulder. I don't know if you can imagine being in a state of bliss and then receiving a shock, it's really difficult to explain, but, I almost jumped out of my skin. Afterwards I thanked God and started laughing and asked for the next touch to be a little less strong.
Now, each evening after prayers I feel a gentle touch on my left shoulder as my vibration and my body is filled with subtle, loving and Divine feelings. The hand sometimes rubs my shoulder and I feel it tingling always. This can happen during the day when I am reading or doing other things.
At times in the evening after praying I sometimes ask to feel the presence of my guardian angel and usually after about 30 seconds I feel a tingling on the top of my head which spreads all over the rear of my body as the vibrations increase and again, I am filled with total bliss and my guardian back angel usually puts hands on my shoulders at the same time and I have to stop myself from leaning backwards.
Two nights ago I was filled with the most subtle, peaceful feelings as I was thanking God for my life and all the experiences (good and bad) I have underwent. I could feel the gentle power of the increased vibrations pulsing in my body for about 2 minutes. I continue to have these feelings each night after prayers.
I don't know if this is God related, but, One night in bed I couldn't sleep due to the pain in my titanium hip and knee. In the dark I saw a golden white light appear, it was about 3 foot high and 4 inches deep with a slight curve. Immediately I began to feel a deep tingling sensation which started at my head and flowed down to my feet and back again and again. It reminded of a photocopier light as it moves back and forward. After a few minutes I felt hands massaging my hip and knee and the pain immediately ceased. Who was it? I don't know but I gave a grateful thanks to whomever it was.
There are people who want to see the proof that God exists, but, they wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit them with a cricket bat. God is in everyone of us and some, (rightly or wrongly), call it the Divine Spark. Since receiving these beautiful feelings over the years I can only say that God definitely exists and each of us has a life path to follow. We are all connected and each and every one of our souls is pure. There are many more experiences that I have experienced over many years and they are well documented. These range from visits by light beings, being taken to another dimension and worlds and shown proof that life exists on other planets. We are a minute life in a massive never-ending spiritual/physical universe but we are so very important to God and are loved by Him beyond measure. I am sure that God doesn't mind if you rant, rave, swear and cuss at Him, He will smile because you are acknowledging His existence at the same time. God is always listening.
Ronald Danks
Apr 19, 2024
In Spiritual Experiences
One evening my wife Carol and I were lying in bed reading, our Scottish Terrier Angus was also on the bed lying between us. Carol informed me that 'someone's here' and Angus immediately looked up at the ceiling. Angus then moved position to gain more space and he was still looking at the ceiling. Carol said her dad was here and I said 'hi Jock'.
Angus began to bounce up and down on his back legs, as if waiting for a ball to be thrown or awaiting a treat to be given. He was getting really excited and we couldn't help but laugh and we kept saying 'who is it Angus?'.
This continued with Angus still overly excited, moving and jumping about and still looking at the ceiling. After about 5 minutes Angus finally stopped, jumped off the bed and settled on his own bed on the floor. He was breathing heavily. Carol said ' you have worn him out' and I said 'yes, he's knackered' and laughed.
Angus lay motionless and after a few more minutes Jock left. It was a really great sight to see the interaction between Angus and our much loved invisible visitor Jock.
Ronald Danks
Apr 18, 2024
In What is Spirituality?
Many worlds, realities, existences and dimensions abound which differ and resonate at different frequencies. All forms of life everywhere are permeated by the Holy Spirit and therefore all vibrations are known to the Creator. It is due to His wisdom that His energy is the unifying force
across all spectrums of frequencies and therefore allows us to change and raise our vibrations and to experience the bliss of a beautiful new reality. This small incremental step which connects us to spirit and, by extension, Source will slowly infuse its way into mankind's consciousness and can never be removed. As the universe takes notice and acknowledges the subtle change, the newly formed seed will germinate and continue to grow.
As the universe always seeks balance, the new vibrational energies will make connections across mankind. This will be intuited and recognized by the developing inner spirituality. Eventually the earth's vibration will increase synchronously with mankind's higher consciousness and therefore we will be a step closer to God. Man's newly raised spiritual expression of himself will be boundless and known throughout the cosmos. We will feel and know different dimensions and always seeking to be closer to the light. The old paradigm of living in dense energy will eventually ease and our physical bodies will dance in higher vibration. As we expand spiritually, unseen filaments of light spread out everywhere announcing our new intention.
As light will not diminish, it will continue the journey with man's increased consciousness as we are moved from one world to the next. Eventually, our world will begin to take a new shape as the foundations have started to be laid in earnest already. The cornerstone is comprised of universal love, belief, trust, compassion, empathy, grace and forgiveness with an inherent knowing that it is guided by the hand of God which will be instrumental throughout.
Ronald Danks
Apr 16, 2024
In General Discussion
All souls are created by God and have their own place. They encompass the attributes of both male and female. They watch closely around the earth and have an awareness when conception takes place. It is then up to the soul accompanied by it's spirit in which it resides. The soul then decides which one to inhabit along with the spirit. It has been said that the soul chooses the parents but, the soul is far more important than a human because the soul is the real 'person'. If it is the male aspect of the soul that inhabits the new life, then, its counterpart, the female aspect waits until a favourable conception occurs and will do the same as previously mentioned. This duality of male and female aspects of the soul is the reason for the term soulmates. There are many initial thoughts as to exactly when the spirit and soul inhabit the newly formed life, personally, I think the spirit places itself inside as soon as conception has occurred and the soul does the same just before the birth of a new life. They remain within the human until it passes from this world. I posit that the soul remains within the spirit until it is decided what happens once they enter next world, dimension, heaven or one of the various spirit realms. The soul then lives on in the spheres of God's spirit worlds that represent the the condition of the soul and all that it has learnt. Then I can only surmise that the soul will either stay close or choose to move to another place for further growth especially, if one believes that we have multiple lives happening concurrently in different worlds. I am more sure that the soul will eventually depart from it's alliance with the human spirit. As the soul remains eternal, it is always seeking new experiences and encompasses all experiences that it has learnt for growth. That is not to say that the human experience the soul has undertaken is lost as, I believe, the human aspect of the soul is only one of many it will experience but the bond will remain.
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