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Natural Healing &
Alternative Treatments

Here you'll find the many spiritual and natural healing methods used across the world and throughout human history


"The health of your mind, body, and spirit, is a great responsibility.
You are the master and expert of your own well-being."

This covers everything from Traditional Chinese Medicine, to Energy Healing and Gong-Bathing. This growing collection will aim to provide information on the rich history of healing and the many types in use today. If it's an 'Alternative' healing method then you'll hopefully find it here.

Holistic Healing Advice

We all know we can make ourselves unwell by thinking it, through psychosomatic illness, yet many will scoff at the thought of willing ourselves better. However, the effect of healing ourselves with our minds alone is very well documented in the Placebo Effect.


To develop spiritually is to develop the will, to shed destructive patterns, and to cleanse and stimulate our energy systems. The universal symbol of medicine itself appears to signify a connection between spirituality and medicine, with the serpent (kundalini), rising up the staff (spinal column), forming a double helix (DNA).


Looking for health advice?

Get in touch to explore what would work best for you

This section will gather information and contact details for the very best healers. It will be split into two groups - local healers and online healers, to ensure you get the service you want and need.

Online Healer Directory - Coming Soon!

Local Healer Directory - Coming Soon!

The literature on specific healing methods can be found
in the section above; here you will find more broad and
general resources on the subject.

Groups and organisations based around spiritual healing.
Including groups of practitioners and centres offering courses.

A list of both UK and International spiritual retreats

These spiritual retreat specialists boast locations all over the world,
from Devon to South America

Healing Advice Disclaimer

Many spiritual and alternative healing methods have been practiced for thousands of years; however, there's generally scarce modern research on them and they don't feature much in orthodox medical training. As you can't patent 'natural products' and therefore control their sale, there's little financial incentive to conduct expensive research.


As such, it may be unlikely you'll be recommended these types of treatment by your GP; however, there are open-minded doctors out there who take a more holistic approach to medicine - you've just got to search for them!

We are compelled to tell you we're not qualified doctors and none of this is medical advice. The following information is, as with all the information on this site, for educational purposes only.

Great Quotes About Healing

"Take a day to heal from the lies you've told yourself and the ones that have been told to you"

- Maya Angelou

"We must first take a stroll through the muddy thorns and twigs before understanding the process of true inner healing"

- Lindsay Ullmann   

"One cannot tell when he is going to be healed, so do not try to set an exact time limit. Faith, not time, will determine when the cure will be effected"

- Paramahansa Yogananda   

"The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear"

- Daniel Defoe (

"We must embrace pain and use it as fuel for our journey"

- Kenji Miyazawa    

"Holding bad thoughts, ends in disease"

- Alison Stormwolf

"My working life was one of performance, solving problems and never permitting mistakes to be made. Retirement gave me the time to find poetry. My work-shaped ‘being’ slowly opened up to the beauty of the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins who found God in nature and whose poems exude the power of his belief in God’s presence in the natural world around us. Retirement led me and my wife to North East Hampshire and the beautiful heathland, commons and woods that surround our home. Cycling the bridleways on my mountain bike, I was overwhelmed by the ever-changing magnificence of this quietly stunning environment. I began inwardly to sense what Hopkins experienced. As I looked towards the South Downs on the horizon I thought of his words from various poems: ’…and the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder/ Majestic – as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet !... High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing/ In his ecstasy! Then off, off forth on swing,/ As a skate’s heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding...All things counter, original, spare, strange;/ Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how ?)/ With swift, slow; sweet, sour, adazzle, dim;/ He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: Praise him. My very personal feeling is that nature can and does provide healing, protection and regeneration to those who (to quote Hopkins again) ‘have trod, have trod, have trod’ for most of their lives"

- Fred Robins (The Healing Power of Nature)

'We need to feed ourselves up with positive energy and then dance off the vibrations"

- Lindsay Ullmann   

"Our consciousness has a healing power... Healing has many avenues. When we feel anger, distress, or despair, we only need to breathe in and out consciously and recognise the feeling of anger, distress, or despair, and then we can leave the work of healing to our consciousness. But it is not only by touching our pain that we can heal. In fact, if we are not ready to do that, touching it may only make it worse. We have to strengthen ourselves first, and the easiest way to do this is by touching joy and peace"

- Thich Nhat Hanh (Touching Peace, Pracitising the Art of Mindful Living)



Our consciousness has a healing power

"As a professional healer, people often ask me: 'Helen, what is it that you do?' I believe that all my work falls into the category of healing. That the people I come into contact with are sent to me in order that I can fill them with positivity and healing energy, so they can face whatever challenge lies before them. Whether I am administering hands-on healing to allieviate a physical illness, or giving you a message from your family in spirit or from one of the many Guides, Guardian Guides, Angels or Arch-Angels that I am able to see, or even if I send you absent healing from many miles all comes under the auspices of healing"

- Helen Parry Jones (Extract from 'Hands of an Angel)

"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world"

- Shakespeare   

"Say to yourself: 'That is in the past. Now in this new moment, this new present, I am already beginning to change for the better"

- Seth   

"Pain is a part of personal growth, it is a weed that eventually dies out or gets yanked up so that a flower can blossom"

- Lindsay Ullmann   

Spiritual England_meadow and animal footer-by Julia Bakay_lambs
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